The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Edona Maloku Bërdyna, together with the Ambassador of Germany Joern Rohde, the Ambassador of France Marie-Christine Butel and that of the European Union Tomáš Szunyog, participated in the launch of the project “SuperSchools”, which is an exchange program between secondary schools in the Western Balkans and aims to promote dialogue and interethnic reconciliation in the country and the region. On this occasion, Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna said that cultivating diversity, providing equal opportunities and inclusiveness are essential components of our strategic plan and this project fits well with our goals.

Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna stressed that MESTI believes that through quality and inclusive education we help develop a society where everyone feels welcome, accepted and free to express themselves, as they are and as they want.
Therefore, Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna thanked all partners who are enabling the realization of this important project for our children and youth.
“SuperSchools” is a project implemented by the Regional Office for Youth Cooperation (RYCO) and GIZ and co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The project will be implemented through three grant calls, over the next three years and 100 projects supported for inter-school exchange programs.
All high schools can apply for this project and the call is open until October 28, 2021. The total number of projects supported for the first cycle will be 26, where 51 exchange programs will be developed.
Last modified: August 26, 2022