February 15, 2023

On the eve of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science and the launch of the Global Engineering Girls Program in Kosova, an initiative of LIMAK Kosova and UNDP with the support of MESTI, awards have been given to 20 students in the fields of engineering that include financial support, training, work practice and mentoring.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Edona Maloku Bërdyna, wished success to all the girls who were rewarded for their work, while she thanked LIMAK Kosova and UNDP for their cooperation in this initiative, and especially for the help they are providing to the Ministry to push forward its priorities for girls/women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Deputy Minister Maloku Bërdyna said that the STEM fields are considered the professions of the future and as such promote social and personal well-being, comprehensive and sustainable development through innovation and creativity.

Among other things, Maloku Bërdyna emphasized that the formalization of the Global Girls Engineer Program supports MESTI’s goals for the promotion of girls/women in STEM and marking this event on the eve of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science makes this activity even more significant.

In addition to financial support with 2 million Euros for girls/women in STEM, MESTI has already started expanding supporting activities through such programs that help women in networking, practical work, professional development and industry connections.

Last modified: February 15, 2023

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