The XI nationwide seminar has concluded proceedings for Additional learning in Albanian language in Diaspora

July 30, 2015

The XI nationwide seminar has concluded proceedings for Additional learning in Albanian language in Diaspora, on which occasion deputy minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mrs. Anila Statokvci – Demaj has made the allocation of certificates for participants.

D/minister Statovci-Demaj, on this occasion stressed that this seminar is a good opportunity for experience exchange regarding organization of additional learning of Albanian language, in different countries of the world.

“Language is a communication tool, strong instrument for building bridges of cooperation and recognition of different cultures. Our children living in Diaspora should know culture of origin, therefore this seminar provides this opportunity”, said Statovci-Demaj.

D/minister Statovci-Demaj, also said that learning of Albanian language and preservation of Albanian tradition and culture presents a challenge, but this challenge is surmountable, if there is a common will.

Even during today were presented commentaries related to professional support for Albanian schools of additional learning in Diaspora with topics: Rules of Albanian orthography, the project-based learning, learning problems of Albanian language treated from the perspective of the concept of interlinguas and other important topics.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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