The Law on Education Inspectorate is sent for first reading in the Assembly

February 6, 2018

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqiri Bytyqi, participated in the meeting of the Parliamentary Education Committee, where was discussed the Law on Education Inspectorate, whereby by majority of votes it was decided that this Law should be sent to first reading in the Assembly of Kosova.

Minister Bytyqi said, among other things, that this law will have a key role in ensuring quality in pre-university education and emphasized that the Law on Education Inspectorate will also be the basis for managing and following the legislative administration for all levels of education.

Stressing the importance of this Law, Minister Bytyqi said that he will include all educational institutions, at all levels, licensed and recognized by MEST. While within the expected challenges, Bytyqi Minister stressed the need to increase the number of education inspectors (40 inspectors) and consequently increasing the budget.

Minister Bytyqi also said that it remains with sub-legal laws to regulate the procedures and evaluations of the teachers’ performance on the ground, while adding that every four years will be done the teachers advancement, which will increase the accountability and professional engagement and is therefore expected to increase quality in education.

Participants in the debate assessed the importance and necessity of accelerating the adoption of this Law in the Assembly of Kosova, given that it will affect the education quality in education.

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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