The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Dukagjin Pupovci, held a regular press conference where he spoke about the progress of the teaching process in the first two weeks, textbooks, teacher vaccination and the MESTI decision to organize of the learning process one day after the municipal elections.

Pupovci has announced that out of 779 primary and secondary schools in Kosovo, 539 (69.2%) work with the full recovery scenario, so they conduct full lessons with the presence of all students.
For the implementation of the scenarios, according to him, depending on the epidemiological situation, the task force at the institution level is taking care, in cooperation with the task force at the level of the Municipal Education Directorate.
Regarding the organization of the lesson on Monday, Deputy Minister Pupovci emphasized that the municipalities have been notified in time that the schools which will be polling stations on October 17, will conduct the lesson on October 18 according to scenario C, while schools that are not polling stations follow the teaching process according to preliminary plans.
Pupovci also spoke about the continuation of broadcasting video lessons on RTK4 according to the schedule published by the Ministry, which facilitates the transition to scenario C (distance learning), if the need arises.
Speaking about the students equippment with textbooks after some concerns that were raised by parents and announcements by teachers, the Deputy Minister announced that on June 15 the Ministry has informed all MEDs that, in accordance with Administrative Instruction 13/2016, schools will be supplied with new texts for grades 1-5 and 8, while for students of grades 6, 7 and 9, textbooks from the previous year should be distributed, with the exception of alternative textbooks. He said that all textbooks were distributed based on the requests of MEDs submitted in June, but from the field visits it can now be concluded that not all MEDs have made accurate requests in relation to the number of students.
Regarding the process of vaccination of teachers, Pupovci said that, based on data submitted by 16 municipalities (with a total of 17,863 teachers and representing 78% of the total number), the rate of vaccination of teachers with one dose is quite high, 94.6%, while 81.3% were vaccinated with both doses.
Last modified: August 26, 2022