May 13, 2024

The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, and the Ambassador of Switzerland to Kosova, Jürg Sprecher, signed an agreement today for the implementation of the Matching Skills to Jobs project, which aims to enable young people and other employees have the right skills for the labor market.

The aim of the project “Matching Skills to Jobs” supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, represented by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, is to address the matching of skills with demands of the labor market, namely to improve the matching of skills with workplaces, providing practical and appropriate training. Minister Nagavci and the head of the Program for Economic Development and Employment at the Embassy of Switzerland, Jean Christoph Favre, discussed the state of education in general, with special emphasis on vocational education and training and the importance of its connection with Labor market.

Minister Nagavci thanked the Swiss Government for the continuous support it has provided to the Ministry of Education, through various projects and as its strategic partner.

The head of the Program for Economic Development and Employment at the Embassy of Switzerland, Jean Christoph Favre, thanked the Minister for the meeting and her commitment to the realization of this project.

The agreement “Matching Skills to Jobs” begins with an initial phase of nine months, covering the period 01.03.2024 – 30.11.2024. SDC intends to continue with the main phase of the five-year program from 01.12.2024 – 30.11.2029.

Last modified: May 13, 2024

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