Minister Bajrami was hosted in Bundestag by the Chairwoman and members of the Commission for Education and Science

June 12, 2015

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami, who is staying on the official visit to Germany, is hosted in Bundestag by the Bundestag MP, at the same time Chairwoman of the Commission for Education and Science, Mrs. Patricia Lips, and also with members of this commission.

In this meeting, minister Bajrami was informed about the role of the commission in the Bundestag, and informed the German MPs on the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, for the work that is currently being done and reforms undertaken in order to increase the quality. The Minister has required also deepening of cooperation of the Commission for Education and Science of Germany and the Commission on Education of the Assembly of Kosova.

The Chairwoman of the commission, Mrs. Patricia Lips has expressed readiness for cooperation and has stressed the attitude of the commission members that they will support good initiatives that have on purpose of deepening the cooperation between two countries, especially between two ministries of Education and commissions that are interrelated to education and science.

Minister Bajrami has stayed on the visit also at the Humboldt University in Berlin, where he met with Mr. Kamper-van den Boogaart, vice president for academic affairs and international relations of the public university, which is one of the three best universities in Germany.

The Minister has required the cooperation of the University with the Kosovar public universities in terms of signing agreements that will enable the exchange of academic staff, but also study opportunities for Kosovar students in three levels. He said that Kosova needs to prepare the staff especially in exact and technical sciences, and demanded that the University of Berlin to provide programs and scholarship for doctoral studies for students from Kosova.

Minister Bajrami also met with a group of Kosovar students, who are studying at German universities in Berlin. He expressed his satisfaction that these students are studying at universities with international reputation and asked them that after graduation to return to Kosova and to convey their knowledge to new generations.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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