Minister Bajrami took part in the debate with students for the Draft law on Higher Education and Regulated Occupations

May 25, 2015

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami took part today in the public debate for the Draft law on Higher Education and Regulated Occupations, which this time was held with representatives of students’ organizations of University “Hasan Prishtina” in Prishtina.

Minister Bajrami even this time has mentioned some changes that are anticipated to become with the new Law on Higher Education, for which he said that is intended to make reforms in many aspects, with the aim of raising the quality of education and management.

Likewise, minister Bajrami mentioned that this law will ensure quality standards in higher education, the definition of academic and financial autonomy of universities, to whom are given all the academic decision-making competences and the crucial role of the Rector’s election, which under the new law must be academic product.

Minister Bajrami said that high standards are set regarding the teaching quality, but emphasized that we are trying to raise standards also for the student representatives.

By emphasizing the crucial role of the students to have a better law and to the benefit of substantial things of their university life, minister Bajrami invited them to be active participants of this debate.

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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