Ministers Bajrami and Murati visited school-house of the owner Mehmet Ali-Hertica

February 13, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami and Minister of Diaspora, Mr. Valon Murati have visited school-house on the Hill of the brave, of the owner Mehmet Ali-Hertica.

Minister Bajrami on this occasion has highly assessed family contribution of owner Mehmet Ali, who has turned his house into school, where ten generations of gymnasium “Sami Frasheri” have graduated.

Minister Bajrami said that, at the time of survival of Albanian schools, family Hertica its house has turned into the temple of resistance, marking a historical moment of protecting the educational sector.

“It is a major act of this family, who has decided that its family premises and the whole family be engaged for the protection of Albanian schools. We would not be free and independent if this resistance and these activists wouldn’t exist, who have enabled the survival of Albanian education, education that had intended not only schooling, but also preparation of a new generation for liberation war”, was expressed Minister Bajrami. 

Minister Bajrami aslo said that Government of Kosova will do the restoration of this building, which will be the survival museum of education in Albanian language at the time of occupation. 

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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