Minister Bajrami took part at the conference “Women’s Week 2017

March 21, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Arsim Bajrami, took part in the conference “Women’s Week 2017”, where he spoke about the role of women in the education sector, with special emphasis on vocational education, where inclusion in this sector will enable that our society be adapted to the global trends and opportunities for youth employment in various professional activities.

Minister Bajrami said that the woman must be a leader in the education system reforms. “Upbringing and education is the area where the woman must show its strength and is an area where women, not that they need to feel equal with men, but should be leaders of the processes, because education is a process which corresponds with the nature of women, which has features of humanism and approach with love towards children”, was expressed the Minister. 

Minister Bajrami has spoken also for relevance of building of strong education system, which would lead in the general progress of society, increase of economic welfare and forming the future leaders. 

Minister Bajrami also emphasized the greater involvement of women in the Faculty of Education, by prompting women to be fully involved in the education of our children. 

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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