MEST and MLSW signed a Cooperation Agreement to improve youth employment

November 11, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Shyqyri Bytyqi and Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Skender Reçica have initiated the project “Youth, Employment and Vocational Education and Training in Kosova” funded by the Ministry of the German Federation for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), by the German Embassy and by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ GmbH.

The purpose of the YES Program is to improve employment and raise youth skills in Kosova through advancement of vocational education.

Minister Bytyqi expressed his satisfaction with the signing of the Agreement between MEST, MLSW and GIZ as three important partners who are committed to increase the quality of education and employment of young people in Kosova.

“The YES project will contribute to raising the skills of our young people, but also in providing employment opportunities in the domestic and foreign markets. Express the readiness of MEST to continue this project and to achieve the goals for which the Agreement is being signed. I am ready to offer all our capacities, which are required in this direction”, said the Minister.

Minister Bytyqi also thanked MLSW and GIZ for their joint commitment to the determination to make positive changes in the field of vocational education and easier employment of the new staff.

Minister Bytyqi also said that GIZ is an important partner in all projects of the Ministry of Education.

On support of the German Government in strengthening the capacities of both Ministries and Agencies in implementing key initiatives for the European Reform Agenda for Kosova alo have spoken the Minister of MLSW, Skender Recica, First Secretary and Head of Development and Cooperation of German Embassy, Anja Becky, and GIZ Director, James Macbeth Forbes.

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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