Minister Bajrami attended an unusual parliamentary hearing with the orphaned children of Albania and few children from Kosova

May 20, 2017

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Arsim Bajrami participated in an unusual parliamentary hearing consisting of a group of about 50 orphans of Albania and a group of children from the Shala village of Kosova, where the proposal for the official inauguration of May 20th, National Day of Orphans of Kosova was made, in order to unify with the National Day of Orphans of Albania, which was formalized in 2004.

Minister Bajrami has supported the proposal for unification of this day, saying that Kosova institutions are ready to integrate orphan children, to provide them with institutional support and to make easier for them the fate they experienced. 

“This activity of yours shows today that these children of Kosova and Albania who are present in the hall deserve to be future MPs. As Minister will always support such activities and together with the Minister of Education of Albania, Mrs. Nikolla we’re working to provide you dear children a qualitative education”, said Minister Bajrami.

The improvised parliamentary session was an initiative of the National Institute of Orphan Children of Albania and was attended by the World Leader of Bektashinji, Hadzi Dede Edmond Brahimaj. At the end of the session Minister Bajrami and Mr. Ilir Çumani, director of the Institute of Orphan Children of Albania were awarded with gratitude for contribution in support of these children. 

Last modified: September 7, 2022