January 20, 2023

The Kosova Education Center (KEC) and the Center for Advanced Studies (FIT), within the Project financed by the European Union “Together against Child Abuse (TACA)”, organized the National Conference, where the achievements of the project were presented.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Edona Maloku Bërdyna said on this occasion that the very title of the project is a call for the mobilization of all the institutional links of our society for the prevention and efficient response to any form of abuse.

She said that the students and teachers of the three municipalities in which this project has extended: Vushtrri, Ferizaj and Kamenica are the beneficiaries of the activities, research, training, conducted courses and mediation activities, which results in supporting the implementation of national policies educational and child protection.

Maloku Bërdyna emphasized that MESTI is committed to ensure that our schools in addition to quality education, increase their performance in educating children and protecting them from dangerous circumstances for them. That is why we have established the Forum for Friendly Schools “Rritemi co” because protection and promotion of children’s rights is the main objective of the Government of Kosova.

Stenbaek Madsen Johannes from the European Commission Office in Kosova said that it is important for Kosovo to create conditions for equal access to education. The European Union is committed to protecting children’s rights as guaranteed by law.

Petrit Tahiri from KEC said that the prevention and treatment of abuse should become part of the culture in our schools and the good practices of these three schools be transferred to other schools in the country.

Last modified: January 20, 2023

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